Moroccan Cigars


"We are going to visit grandma,” said dad. We were thrilled, my brother and I loved these visits. Grandma lived on the other side of town. Back then, it took a ride on two different buses and quite a long walk to get there.

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“At least wait for it to cool down,” mom would  scold us as we stood around her, waiting for another batch to come on to the plate. We would stand there, in our small kitchen, staring at the half moon shape dough surrounded by small oil bubbles as its color changed from pale white to golden.

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Fried Kubbeh – Nablusia


There are dishes that I never get tired of eating. One of them is Kubbeh. Whether it is red kubbeh, yellow, sour, kubbeh nia (raw meat kubbeh) or kubbeh nablusia, also known as fried kubbeh. I love them all. With some of them, like the sour kubbeh, it took quite some time for my taste buds to get used to and to like it. But with the fried kubbeh it was love at first bite.

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Sea Bass Ceviche


When Isabelle (a fake French name) ordered ceviche I stared terrified at her plate. As one who grew up on cooked food, mainly stews, when I first saw raw fish I didn’t know how to eat it. To me, raw fish was the equivalent of a live fish swimming in the bathtub before becoming a Rosh Hashanah dish.

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Cheese Sambusak

I love pastries. Meat, cheese, fruit, sweet, salty… it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s wrapped with dough. In my childhood, pastries meant that Shabbat was here. You could smell the sweet aroma of bourekas that just came out of the oven already at the stairwell of my parents apartment.

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