Moroccan Fish Patties in Tomato Sauce


One of the strongest memories of my childhood years is my mom standing next to the table in our small, narrow kitchen. At the end of the table is a cast iron meat grinder, edging slightly passed the side of the table. Beneath the opening of the grinder is a deep bowl. Next to the grinder there were plates with onions cut into quarters, garlic cloves, parsley, cilantro, slices of bread that were soaked in water and squeezed, and of course, meat. Except on Fridays, on Fridays, pieces of fillet of fish replaced the meat. As if in a ceremony,

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Tanzia we ate at grandma’s, my father’s mother, the one my sister is named after. In our family, there are three Shimons, two Hannas and two Shulas, so whenever one mentioned the name Shimon it was always accompanied with uncle Moshe’s Shimon or Aunt Simmi’s Shimon. For some of my cousins I am still uncle Shalom’s Shimon today.

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